Episode 99

Published on:

4th Apr 2024

Regarding My Chronic Illness and Pain: Christian Worldview

I've been sick now going on three years. My disease is incurable... chronic. The pain is constant. Here I attempt to share a few lessons I've learned along the way.

Here's another perspective:


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About the Podcast

Keith Crosby: Out of My Mind
A Biblical conversation about our crazy world.
Our world is a crazy one! How do we make sense of it all? The Bible has something to say about every inch of thread that makes up the fabric of our existence. Join me for 20-25 context-providing minutes so that you can begin to make sense of it all. At the end of the podcast, we will point you to extra resources so that you can dig deeper if you want to. Let's learn together from a Christian worldview. Give it a try!
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